Medical Record Keeping for Physicians
This course is primarily directed at family practitioners and other physicians providing primary care.
The interactive four-hour virtual workshop is facilitated by two physicians. Case-based examples and simulated patient encounters will be used to demonstrate the practice of effective clinical record keeping.
At the conclusion of the workshop, participants will:
- recognize the regulatory requirements of the medical record (CMPA, Medical Services Commission and College)
- have discussed the different types of physician-patient encounters and document appropriately
- have identified and incorporated innovative changes to their medical record keeping
- have demonstrated knowledge and understanding of what a good medical record entails
Technical requirements
- Computer with video and audio capabilities to participate
- PPEP staff will be in contact to schedule a Microsoft Teams trial run before the webinar date to determine computer compatibility
The Division of Continuing Professional Development, University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine (UBC CPD) is fully accredited by the Continuing Medical Education Accreditation Committee (CACME) to provide CPD credits for physicians. This one-credit-per-hour Group Learning program meets the certification criteria of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been certified by UBC CPD for up to 3.75 Mainpro+® credits. Each physician should claim only those credits accrued through participation in the activity.
CFPC Session ID: 202116-001